阿甘幸运的让人羡慕倒霉的让人心疼 说到底智商75的他能够成为橄榄球国家队成员、越战荣誉勋章获得者退伍一等兵乒乓外交代表捕鱼船长上市公司拥有者跨越密西西比河的长跑明星见证无数president下台并受到接见离不开母亲的智慧和伟大青梅竹马Jenny的陪伴与温柔战友生死之交的情谊(无论是bubble还是丹中尉) 最重要的是:真诚、善良与全身心投入的专注 在Jenny与阿甘温存一夜离开之后使用后拉撤回的镜头来体现他的孤独与难受几处使用定格跳切如表现丹中尉的满门忠烈 "My mama always told me that miracles happen every day."
"Some Like It Hot" Are you out of your mind? We're up the creek and you want to hock the paddle. Zowie! Type "O" - You'll forget him, Sugar. - How can I? No matter where I go, there'll always be a Shell station on every corner. - Well, you don't understand, Osgood. I'm a man. - Well, nobody's perfect.