最后两话精美作画终于掩盖不住虚弱叙述分镜乱得一塌糊涂看的人一脸黑人问号let it rain非常尴尬京阿尼的画风一直很美但用这个来描写战争表现力就非常微妙了印象深刻的有水上跳跃和母亲写信两集煽情恰到好处结尾为续作做足了工夫但不确定还要不要追了非神作3.5
As a fan of Sharapova’s from the good ol’ times I remember the fear of seeing Queen S’s name on Maria’s next round. Man that ain’t no rivalry, ‘twas slaughtering. I wish I could see one of those matches once more, where the Williams Sisters dominated them courts, where the opponents were destroyed by their first serve. Man, ‘twas golden.
怪不得看过的友邻们说要忍住笑场剧情什么的真的很狗血除此之外电影的风格设定倒是值得称赞被爱蚕食的姐弟说托马斯手嫩也在暗示所有的恶都是姐姐所为吧但他也不能逃脱帮凶的设定所以没有人可以被爱救赎let it rain最终还是成为了那座阴森古堡里的孤魂